Youth Climate Report: the Youth express

I came across a youth activist working for climate change and the other environment issues. His name is Deepak Shahi Thakuri, an active member of Youth Eco Network, and according to him, climate change is a serious problem which may actually destroy the whole world and necessary steps like use of alternative sources of energy is important.

Youth employment: decent work for all, everywhere

indexYouths as emphasized and defined are the important working groups of a nation and of the whole world. Youth employment is one of the factors which must be considered for a nation development either physically, socially or economically. Youths in most part of the world however aren’t facilitated with the right kind of opportunities in case of employment and they are forced to put even life at stakes to live a minimal life. Nation needs a happy, well fulfilled, even self-fulfilled and energetic youths for nation development. Youths if engaged in jobs which do not meet their physical, social, mental an economical requirements can contribute to the nation development as they will be busy in caressing the lives’ miseries. In Nepal, these days youths are hard to find in the villages who go to the foreign gulf countries and sell their spirit and sweet for earning money. For, those youths, the nation must make strategies to help them find good employment opportunities in the countries itself. And youths should also not forget that if they work hard enough then, they can make desert a beautiful garden.

Role of Youth for a cleaner and greener environment


Youths are the pillars of the future. Youths comprises of active  part of the population. There is no doubt that,  in promoting a healthy and green environment, youths play an important role. Being the most potential part of the population, youths can actually make or break the situation either it is social, political, or environmental one. So, it is infact the need of the present that youths should be motivated to make environment cleaner and greener. Different activities like afforestation, awareness campaigns, sanitation programs etc has been run by youths and these have left positive effect on the environment. Such activities should be encouraged.

Environment: how do you define it?

Interacting with farmer

Environment: how do you define it? Being student of agriculture, I have heard quite a lot about the definitions of environment. When I was small, environment was what you see around and now it is what i can see and even beyond. I have interacted with farmers, local people, scientists and my colleagues and i am in love with environment even more. I think just saving the environment is not the solution. The solution is to take development along with conservation because in country like ours, food insecurity is a big issue

An experience on social media training

rampur socialmedia training

 I have always had interest in social media and virtual networking with people. MY interest met platform when I got chance to be a part of “Social media training; Bridging the urban and rural youth” hosted by Ms. Kabita Gautam. And I must say it was a fantastic experience learning and bringing the lesson to practice. From now on, I am going to explore the world of internet and try to benefit myself and my veiwers.